n this Divisible Sum Pairs problem you have Given an array of integers and a positive integer k, determine the number of (i,j) pairs where i < j and ar[i]+ar[j] is divisible by k.
Three pairs meet the criteria: and .
Function Description
Complete the divisibleSumPairs function in the editor below.
divisibleSumPairs has the following parameter(s):
- int n: the length of array
- int ar[n]: an array of integers
- int k: the integer divisor
– int: the number of pairs
Input Format
The first line contains space-separated integers, and .
The second line contains space-separated integers, each a value of .
Sample Input
STDIN Function
----- --------
6 3 n = 6, k = 3
1 3 2 6 1 2 ar = [1, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2]
Sample Output
Here are the valid pairs when :
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Problem Solution in Python
def divisibleSumPairs(n, k, ar):
n_p = 0
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i+1,n):
if (ar[i] +ar[j]) % k == 0:
n_p= n_p +1
return n_p
Problem Solution in Java
public static int DivisibleSumPairs(List<Integer> array, Integer k) {
int result = 0;
int posicaoI = 0;
int posicaoJ = 0;
for (Integer i : array) {
posicaoJ = 0;
for (Integer j : array) {
if ((posicaoI < posicaoJ) && (((i+j)%k) == 0)) {
return result;