Stop lazy- loading images

as a developer

Avoid Animation for your most important images

Animations can be distracting and may not be suitable for hero or product images, as they can draw attention away from the content. Lazy loading can cause a noticeable delay when animations are used. For essential images, it's better to load them conventionally for a smoother and faster display

Why does the Image Load so Slowly?

Lazy loading is designed to prioritize the loading of images that are currently in the user's view, which can lead to slower loading times for images located further down the page.

Product and hero images are critical for user engagement and should load quickly. Delaying their loading can result in a poor user experience, especially on slower connections

Lazy Loading Every Image Does More Harm Than Good

Lazy loading can be overkill when applied to every single image on a web page. It can lead to increased complexity and potentially degrade the overall user experience. It's best to resolve lazy loading for images that are not immediately visible or secondary to the core content.

Stop Using Lazy Loading Libraries for Most Use Cases

Many JavaScript libraries and frameworks offer lazy loading functionalities. However, incorporating such libraries for lazy loading on a website can introduce unnecessary overhead. For hero and product images, it's often more efficient to handle the loading using native HTML attributes and standard practices

Where to use Lazy Loading Libraries?

Consider using lazy loading libraries for images in menus and carousels to improve page load times and user experience while keeping the focus on core content