Understanding Memoization in JavaScript

In the dynamic world of JavaScript development, managing and optimizing performance is key to creating efficient applications. One essential technique to achieve this is Memoization. Let’s dive into the concept of Memoization, its benefits, practical examples, and considerations to keep in mind while using it.

What is Memoization in JavaScript?

Memoization is a powerful optimization technique used in javascript to speed up function execution by caching their results. Memoization ensures that expensive function calls are only computed once, and subsequent calls with the same inputs retrieve the cached result.

Benefits of Memoization

  1. Improved Performance: By caching results, Memoization reduces redundant calculations, leading to faster execution times for functions with repetitive calls.
  2. Resource Efficiency: Caching results minimizes the need for additional memory and processing power, making your code more resource-friendly.
  3. Simplified Code: Memoization allows for simpler, more readable code by eliminating the need for complex optimizations in repetitive functions.
  4. Reducing Time Complexity
  5. Promoting Code Reusability

When to use Memoization in JavaScript?

Following are some usecases of Memoization:

  • When the function is very complex in time(Heavy computation function), storing the results in a cache will increase the performance by reducing the time complexity, as re-computation for functions will not be performed.
  • When the function is calling itself. i.e., for the recursive functions. One of the classic examples of understanding JavaScript memoization is understanding the Fibonacci sequence.
  • When the function is pure (a function that returns the same value every time it is called a pure function), if the value is different in each function call, then it will not be used to store such value. So, we can’t use memoization in JavaScript when the function is impure.

Memoization Steps:

  1. Check if the result for a given input is cached.
  2. If cached, return the result.
  3. Otherwise, compute, cache, and return the result.

Example of Memoization

One real-world example where memoization can significantly improve performance is in a web application that needs to fetch and display data from an API.

Example of Memoization in JavaScript

Let’s go into the details of the above example of how it works:

  • When getUserProfile(1) is called for the first time, it fetches user profile data for user 1 from the server and logs the fetched data.
  • When getUserProfile(1) is called again, it retrieves the user profile data from the cache and logs the cached data, avoiding another network request.
  • When getUserProfile(2) is called for the first time (for a different user), it fetches user profile data for user 2 from the server and logs the fetched data.
  • When getUserProfile(2) is called again, it retrieves the user profile data from the cache and logs the cached data, avoiding another network request.

Memoization on Synchronous Operations

How memoization optimizes performance by caching the results of expensive synchronous operations, such as factorial calculations, and reusing them for subsequent function calls with the same arguments.

Memoization on synchronous operations

Let’s see how the above example works:

  • When memoizedFactorial(5) is called for the first time, it computes the factorial of 5 (5!) and caches the result. It then returns the computed value, which is 120.
  • When memoizedFactorial(5) is called again, it retrieves the cached factorial of 5 from the cache and returns the value 120 without recomputing it.
  • Similarly, when memoizedFactorial(3) is called for the first time, it computes the factorial of 3 (3!) and caches the result. It then returns the computed value, which is 6.
  • When memoizedFactorial(3) is called again, it retrieves the cached factorial of 3 from the cache and returns the value 6 without recomputing it.

Implementation: Using cache object

  • Store computed results to avoid redundant calculations.
  • Utilizes closure and higher-order functions.

Implementation Using cache object

Now, when you call ‘fibonacci(n)’, it will return the nth Fibonacci number using memoization, which significantly improves the performance compared to the non-memoized version.

Importance of Memoization?

  • Reduces execution time and increases CPU performance.
  • Ideal for recursive and complex functions.
  • Enhance performance, especially for API calls.

Limitations of Memoization in JavaScript

  • Not suitable for functions with significant or frequently changing inputs.
  • Consider the impact on memory usage and performance.


JavaScript memoization is a powerful optimization technique that enhances the performance of functions by caching computed results. By leveraging closure and higher-order functions, memoization reduces redundant computations and improves overall efficiency. Ideal for optimizing pure functions and recursive operations, memoization minimizes application complexity and enhances responsiveness. Incorporating memoization libraries like Lodash simplifies implementation and offers additional features such as cache invalidation and custom caching strategies. Consider memoization as a valuable tool for optimizing JavaScript applications, improving performance, and enhancing user experience.

1 thought on “Understanding Memoization in JavaScript”

  1. Is this memoization or memorization?? (With an “r” or without?)
    You use the two words interchangably without explaining or differentiating the two.


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