Permutation game HackerRank Solution

Permutation game HackerRank Solution

In this Permutation game HackerRank solution, Alice and Bob play the following game: They choose a permutation of the numbers  to . Alice plays first and they alternate. In a turn, they can remove any one remaining number from the permutation. The game ends when the remaining numbers form an increasing sequence of  or more numbers. The person who … Read more

Weighted Uniform Strings HackerRank Solution

Weighted Uniform Strings HackerRank Solution

In this Weighted Uniform Strings HackerRank solution, weighted string is a string of lowercase English letters where each letter has a weight. Character weights are  to  from  to  as shown below: The weight of a string is the sum of the weights of its characters. For example: A uniform string consists of a single character repeated zero or more times. For example, ccc and a are uniform strings, … Read more

Truck Tour HackerRank Solution

Truck Tour HackerRank Solution

In this Truck Tour HackerRank solution, There is a circle. There are  petrol pumps on that circle. Petrol pumps are numbered  to  (both inclusive). You have two pieces of information corresponding to each of the petrol pump: (1) the amount of petrol that particular petrol pump will give, and (2) the distance from that petrol pump to the … Read more

Chief Hopper HackerRank Solution

Chief Hopper HackerRank Solution

In this Chief Hopper HackerRank solution, Chief’s bot is playing an old DOS based game. There is a row of buildings of different heights arranged at each index along a number line. The bot starts at building  and at a height of . We must need to  determine the minimum energy his bot needs at the start so … Read more

The Maximum Subarray HackerRank Solution

The Maximum Subarray HackerRank Solution

In this The Maximum Subarray HackerRank solution, We define subsequence as any subset of an array. We define a subarray as a contiguous subsequence in an array. Given an array, find the maximum possible sum among: all nonempty subarrays. all nonempty subsequences. We need to Print the two values as space-separated integers on one line. The Maximum Subarray HackerRank solution I … Read more

Two Characters HackerRank Solution

Two Characters HackerRank Solution

In this Two Characters HackerRank solution,  we have Given a string and we need remove characters until the string is made up of any two alternating characters. When we choose a character to remove, all instances of that character must be removed. Also we need to Determine the longest string possible that contains just two … Read more

The Coin Change Problem HackerRank Solution

The Coin Change Problem HackerRank Solution

In this The Coin Change Problem HackerRank solution, we have Given an amount and the denominations of coins available, determine how many ways change can be made for amount. There is a limitless supply of each coin type. We need to Complete the getWays function in the editor below. The Coin Change Problem HackerRank solution I will … Read more

Equal Stacks HackerRank Solution

Equal Stacks HackerRank Solution

In this Equal Stacks HackerRank solution, You have three stacks of cylinders where each cylinder has the same diameter, but they may vary in height. You can change the height of a stack by removing and discarding its topmost cylinder any number of times. Find the maximum possible height of the stacks such that all … Read more

Simple Text Editor HackerRank Solution

Simple Text Editor HackerRank Solution

In this Simple Text Editor HackerRank solution, Implement a simple text editor. The editor initially contains an empty string, . Perform  operations of the following  types: append – Append string  to the end of . delete – Delete the last  characters of . print – Print the  character of . undo – Undo the last (not previously undone) operation of type  or , reverting  to the state it was in prior … Read more